BabyJ's Guide for Foreigners Living in Japan

Information on life in Japan, Japanese society and culture 外国人の日本生活ガイド&日本の社会・文化

Experience Japan and Share Your Experiences to Earn an Extra Income and/or a Gift Card!


Hello, this is BabyJ😊.

With the implementation of the Japanese Government's new policy to accept more foreign workers in Japan, some unique services targeting foreigners have started.

One of such services is "YOLO JAPAN", a brand-new recruitment platform that provides foreigners in Japan with unique opportunities to experience Japan, and earn an extra income and/or receive a reward at the same time.

All Information is Provided in Seven Languages


The platform is designed so that new comers to Japan with limited Japanese language skills can make full use of the services without any stress.

All the information is provided in seven languages, English, Mandarin, Korean, Vietnamese, Portuguese and Japanese.

You can complete all of the process: sign up for the service; complete your profile; search for job openings; and apply for the position or service of your choice, all in your own language or in the language you feel the most comfortable using.

Part-Time Job to Experience Japan and Earn Extra Income


YOLO JAPAN offers a variety of part-time Jobs for foreigners who are eligible to work in Japan.

Part-time positions offered include a shop clerk, a casher at a convenience store/supermarket, a service staff or a kitchen staff at a restaurant/cafe, a caregiver, etc.

Most of these kinds of positions will require the JLPT N4 or 5 level with simple conversational skills.

Some positions such as a dishwasher, a cleaning staff, a car-washer doesn't require Japanese language skills.

I believe working in the shops and stores, and communicating with colleagues and customers would be one of the best ways to get to know Japan and it’s people at hand.

YOLO JAPAN Part-Time Job

Share Your Experiences and Get A Reward

Aside from the part-time job openings, YOLO JAPAN also provides opportunities for you to share your experiences of life in Japan and get a reward in return.

Share Your Photos and Video and Get a Reward

Do you know "抹茶,"macha, powdered green tea which is used for the Japanese tea ceremonies? And do you know that there is variety of sweets made from macha?

Do you know there are chopsticks in varied designs and colors?

YOLO JAPAN “Influencer" job provides opportunities for you to share your findings about your life in Japan in the form of a video or photos, post them to your SNS, and get a reward in return. 

YOLO JAPAN Influencer Job

Share Your Opinion and Get an AMAZON Gift Card


Did you have any trouble or difficulties in opening a bank account, obtaining a credit card, finding an apartment, buying a smartphone, etc. when you started your life in Japan? 

YOLO JAPAN "Survey" job provide opportunities for you to share your opinions about services in Japan, and get an AMAZON gift card in return.  

What you have to do is to provide answers to the questionnaire online about your experiences. Answering the questionnaire takes just 5 minutes or so, and the selected respondents are awarded an Amazon Gift Card.

Your opinion could help improve services and life for foreigners in Japan.


No Need for CV: Unique Self PR Video

To start using all these services, you need to register and fill in your profile information first. But it is very simple and easy.

What you have to do is to provide the required information such as your profile, contact address, educational background, work history, your level for the  Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) (N5-N1 or none), and your Resident Card number on the registration form online.

If you would like to appeal more to your prospective employer or recruiter, you can prepare your self-PR video that can be easily done using a ready-made platform and your smartphone. 

It takes just 5 minutes to prepare your PR video that would show your personality, appealing points, and your motivation for the position you seek.


If you live in Japan, and are eligible to work, and if you would like to earn an extra income or receive a little reward, using the services provided by YOLO JAPAN is one of the best options.

You can experience more of Japan or share your experiences about Japan and earn money or receive a reward at a same time. 

It may also expand the scope of your life potential.


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